IEEE Fellow 2021 入選名單揭曉 華人學者高達75 人占比26.6%
2020 年 11 月 25 日,IEEE Fellow 2021 入選名單揭曉,這一獎項代表學術科技領域權威榮譽和重要職業成就。其中,全球 282 人入選,華人學者高達 75 人,占比 26.6%,接近三成。當選的中國大陸 Fellow來自清華、北大、上交大、浙大、中科大、西電、西工大、電子科大、北理工、南郵等多所知名高校。
IEEE 的全稱是 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(國際電氣與電子工程師協會),是一個國際性電子技術與信息科學工程師的協會,如今在全球 160 多個國家和地區中擁有近 42 萬會員。
IEEE 建會于 1963 年 1 月 1 日,總部位于美國紐約市,是當今世界電子、電氣、計算機、通信、自動化工程技術研究領域最著名、規模最大的非營利性跨國學術組織。在電氣及電子工程、計算機及控制技術領域中,IEEE發表的文獻占了全球將近 1/3。
IEEE Fellow 即 IEEE 會士/院士,為協會最高等級會員,是該組織授予的最高榮譽,在學術科技界被認定為權威的榮譽和重要的職業成就,每年由同行專家在做出突出貢獻的會員中評選出,當選人數不超過 IEEE 會員總人數的 0.1%。由于每年當選的 IEEE Fellow 數量較少,當選科學家基本都是在科學與工程技術領域內取得重要成就的杰出科學家。
此次入選 IEEE Fellow 2021 名單的部分華人名單:(注:由于 IEEE 歷年新增 Fellow 名單只有英文名和入選原因,而沒有詳細的工作單位、職務和履歷介紹,所以難免出現統計整理不全和錯誤,如有發現,歡迎補充指正。)
75 位入選華人學者IEEE 官方給出的入選理由:
入選理由:在從數據和社會網絡挖掘中發現知識方向做出貢獻(for contributions to knowledge discovery from data and social network mining)。
2、黃漪(Yi Huang)
入選理由:在硅整流二極管天線技術方向做出貢獻(for contributions to rectenna technology)
入選理由:在移動終端天線方向做出貢獻(for contributions to mobile terminal antennas)
入選理由:在天線品質因數方向做出貢獻(for contributions to antenna quality factor)
5、應智農(Zhinong Ying)
入選理由:在移動終端天線技術方向做出貢獻(for contributions to mobile terminal antenna technology)
6、李寧輝(Ninghui Li)
入選理由:在數據隱私和安全方向做出貢獻(for contributions to data privacy and security)
7、劉世霞(Shixia Liu)
入選理由:在可視化文本分析和可視化模型分析方向做出貢獻(for contributions to visual text analysis and visual model analysis)
8、呂樂(Le Lu)
入選理由:在用于癌癥檢測和診斷的機器學習方向做出貢獻(for contributions to machine learning for cancer detection and diagnosis)
9、王小瑞(Xiaorui Wang)
入選理由:在數據中心服務器和嵌入式系統的電源管理方向做出貢獻(for contributions to power management of data center servers and embedded systems)
10、虞晶怡(Jingyi Yu)
入選理由:在計算機攝影和計算機視覺的理論分析、算法和系統方向做出貢獻(or contributions to theoretical analysis, algorithms and systems for computational photography and computer vision)
11、張霖濤(Lintao Zhang)
入選理由:在具有高效布爾可滿足性求解器的計算機輔助驗證方向做出貢獻(for contributions to computer-aided verification with efficient Boolean satisfiability solvers)
12、鄭宇(Yu Zheng)
入選理由:在時空數據挖掘與城市計算方向做出貢獻(for contributions to spatio-temporal data mining and urban computing)
13、蔡劍飛(Jianfei Cai)
入選理由:在多媒體傳輸與內容分析方向做出貢獻(for contributions to multimedia transmission and content analysis)
14、李厚強(Houqiang Li)
入選理由:在視頻編碼和多媒體內容分析方向做出貢獻(for contributions to video coding and multimedia content analysis)
15、石光明(Guangming Shi)
入選理由:在圖像表示和圖像重建方向做出貢獻(for contributions to image representation and image reconstruction)
16、汪萌(Meng Wang)
入選理由:在多媒體內容分析與檢索方向做出貢獻(for contributions to multimedia content analysis and retrieval)
17、Junsong Yuan
入選理由:在人類行為理解和視頻分析方向做出貢獻(for contributions to human behavior understanding and video analytics)
18、黃德雙(Huang De Shuang)
入選理由:在模式識別和生物信息學的神經網絡方向做出貢獻(for contributions to neural networks for pattern recognition and bioinformatics)
19、廖曉峰(Xiaofeng Liao)
入選理由:在神經動力學系統和混沌密碼學方向做出貢獻(for contributions to neurodynamic systems and chaotic cryptography)
20、呂寶糧(Bao-liang Lu)
入選理由:在人工神經網絡和腦機接口方向做出貢獻(for contributions to artificial neural networks and affective brain- computer interfaces)
21、陳敏(Min Chen)
入選理由:在數據驅動的通信、緩存和計算方向做出貢獻(for contributions to data-driven communication, caching, and computing)
22、黃凱斌(Kaibin Huang)
入選理由:在無線通信和多天線通信方向做出貢獻(for contributions to wirelessly powered communications and multi-antenna communications)
23、Rongxing Lu
入選理由:在車輛通信的安全性和隱私性方向做出貢獻(for contributions to security and privacy in vehicular communications)
24、馬華東(Huadong Ma)
入選理由:在多媒體傳感器網絡方向做出貢獻(for contributions to multimedia sensor networks)
25、王昭誠(Zhaocheng Wang)
入選理由:在 OFDM 無線系統的導頻設計與調制方向做出貢獻(for contributions to pilot design and modulation of OFDM wireless systems)
26、王聰(Cong Wang)
入選理由:在云存儲和計算的安全性方向做出貢獻(for contributions to security of cloud storage and computation)
27、Dong Xuan
入選理由:在無線網絡互聯覆蓋方向做出貢獻(for contributions to connected coverage in wireless networks)
28、張宏科 (Hongke Zhang)
入選理由:在高速鐵路通信方向做出貢獻(for contributions to high-speed railway communications)
29、Gan Zheng
入選理由:在多用戶多天線通信的優化和設計方向做出貢獻(for contributions to optimization and design of multiuser multiantenna communications)
30、錢春江 (Chunjiang Qian)
入選理由:在非線性系統的控制和估計方向做出貢獻(for contributions to control and estimation of nonlinear systems)
31、Yifeng Wu
入選理由:在氮化鎵微波和功率轉換裝置方向做出貢獻(for contributions to Gallium Nitride microwave and power conversion devices)
32、Hanchuan Peng
入選理由:在大規模生物數據的可視化和定量分析做出貢獻(for contributions to visualization and quantitative analysis of large-scale biological data)
33、Jianqing Wang
入選理由:在生物和可穿戴/植入設備的電磁兼容性方向做出貢獻( for contributions to electro-magnetic compatibility of biological and wearable/implant devices)
34、Daoqiang Lu
入選理由:在開發移動設備的材料和制造工藝方向做出貢獻(for development of materials and manufacturing processes for mobile devices)
35、賈秀萍 (Xiuping Jia)
入選理由:在高光譜圖像特征挖掘和分類方向做出貢獻(for contributions to feature mining and classification of hyperspectral images)
36、李軍 (Jun Li)
入選理由:在高光譜圖像處理、遙感圖像分析和應用方向做出貢獻(for contributions in hyperspectral image processing ,analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery)
37、Zhao-liang Li
入選理由:在熱紅外遙感方向做出貢獻(for contributions to thermal infrared remote sensing)
38、Lizhe Wang
入選理由:在處理、分析和應用遙感圖像的高性能計算方向做出貢獻(for contributions to high performance computing in processing,analysis and applications of remote sensing imagery)
39、Xiaoxiang Zhu
入選理由:在地球觀測和全球城市制圖方面對人工智能和數據科學方向做出貢獻(for contributions to artificial intelligence and data science in Earth observation and global urban mapping)
40、Hua Geng
入選理由:在控制可再生能源電力方向做出貢獻(for contributions to control of renewable energy power)
41、Jinhua She
入選理由:在復雜冶金過程的智能控制方向做出貢獻(for contributions to intelligent control of complex metallurgical processes)
42、岳東 (Dong Yue)
入選理由:在基于網絡的控制及其在電力系統中的應用方向做出貢獻(for contributions to network-based control and its applications to power systems)
43、Dongning Guo
入選理由:在多用戶檢測和估計理論方向做出貢獻(for contributions to multi-user detection and estimation theory)
44、Mingzhong Wu
入選理由:在自旋電子學和磁化方向做出貢獻(for contributions to spintronics and magnetization)
45、Wenzhong Gao
入選理由:在風電和電動汽車技術并網方向做出貢獻(for contributions to grid integration of wind power and electric vehicle technology)
46、Yongpei Guan
入選理由:在電力系統運行的穩健和隨機優化方向做出貢獻(for contributions to robust and stochastic optimization for power system operations)
47、Ning Lu
入選理由:在提供需求側電網服務的負荷建模和控制方法方向做出貢獻(for contributions to load modeling and control methods for providing demand side grid services)
48、王忠東 (Zhongdong Wang)
入選理由:在電力變壓器的絕緣液體和頻率響應分析方法方向做出貢獻(for contributions to insulating liquids and frequency response analysis methods for power transformers)
49、王劍輝 (Jianhui Wang)
入選理由:在可再生能源發電的機組承諾和經濟調度方向做出貢獻(for contributions to unit commitment and economic dispatch with renewable generation)
50、文福拴 (Fushuan Wen)
入選理由:在電網故障診斷方向做出貢獻(for contributions to fault diagnosis in power grids)
51、吳文傳 (Wenchuan Wu)
入選理由:在能源管理、運營和控制方向做出貢獻(for contributions to energy management, operations, and control)
52、Zheng Xu
入選理由:對基于高壓直流電輸電系統的模塊化多層級變流器的控制和建模方向做出貢獻(for contributions to control and modeling of modular multilevel converter based HVDC transmission systems)
53、Jizhong Zhu
入選理由:在電力系統運行進行實時經濟優化方法的應用方向做出貢獻(for application of optimization methods for real-time economic power system operation)
54、Zhengyu Lu
入選理由:對DC-DC電源轉換和控制方向做出貢獻(for contributions to DC-DC power conversion and control)
55、Jin Wang
入選理由:在開發高密度功率轉換器及其在電動汽車中的應用方向做出貢獻(for development of high density power converters and their use in electric cars)
56、Chongjin Xie
入選理由:對光傳輸和數據中心光網絡方向做出貢獻(for contributions to optical transmission and datacenter optical networking)
57、Shuxiang Guo
入選理由:在微創外科醫療機器人和仿生水下機器人方向做出貢獻(for contributions to medical robots for minimally invasive surgery and biomimetic underwater robots)
58、Danwei Wang
入選理由:在受限制機器人(constrained robots)建模、分析和控制方向的貢獻(for contributions to modelling, analysis, and control for constrained robots)
59、Junzhi Yu
入選理由:在仿生游泳機器人方向的貢獻(for contributions to bio-inspired swimming robots)
60、Honghai Liu
入選理由:在人機系統的理論和應用方向做出貢獻(for contributions to theory and applications of human-machine systems)
61、Yingxu Wang
入選理由:在實時自治系統方向做出貢獻(for contributions to real-time autonomous systems)
62、Jingdong Chen
入選理由:在噪聲和混響環境中對麥克風陣列處理和語音增強方向做出貢獻(for contributions to microphone array processing and speech enhancement in noisy and reverberant environments)
63、Yifan Gong
入選理由:為業界創造云語音識別服務的先方向做出貢獻(for leadership in creating cloud speech recognition services in industry)
64、Xudong Jiang
入選理由:在人臉和指紋圖像識別方向做出貢獻(for contributions to face and fingerprint image recognition)
65、Chunming Li
入選理由:在計算機視覺和醫學圖像分析方向做出貢獻(for contributions to computer vision and medical image analysis)
66、Yang Liu
入選理由:在語音理解和語言學習技術方向做出貢獻(for contributions to speechunderstanding and language learning technology)
67、Ling Shao
入選理由:在計算機視覺和表征學習方向做出貢獻(for contributions to computer vision and representation learning)
68、Yongyi Yang
入選理由:在醫學圖像恢復和分析方向做出貢獻(for contributions to medical image recovery and analysis)
69、Xiaoping Zhang
入選理由:在金融信號處理方向做出貢獻(for contributions to signal processing in finance)
70、Hong Wang
入選理由:在被動集成用新型介電陶瓷和復合材料的開發、集成和商業化方向做出貢獻(for development, integration, and commercialization of novel dielectric ceramics and composites for passive integration)
71、Shujun Zhang
入選理由:在先進的壓電換能器的發展方向做出貢獻(for contributions to the development of advanced piezoelectrics for transducers)
72、Jiandong Li
入選理由:在異構自組織無線網絡中的領先方向做出貢獻(for leadership in heterogeneous self-organizing wireless networks)
73、Ai-chun Pang
入選理由:在移動邊緣網絡的資源管理和服務提供方向做出貢獻(for contributions to resource management and service provisioning for mobile edge networks)
74、Honggang Wang
入選理由:在物聯網和多媒體應用的低功耗無線方向做出貢獻(for contributions to low power wireless for IoT and multimedia applications)
75、Gang Qu
入選理由:在硬件知識產權保護和安全方向做出貢獻(for contributions to hardware intellectual property protection and security)
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