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FPGA設計中 Verilog HDL實現基本的圖像濾波處理仿真

FPGA技術支持 ? 來源:FPGA技術江湖 ? 作者:FPGA技術江湖 ? 2021-07-13 09:30 ? 次閱讀



《岡薩雷斯數字圖像處理MATLAB版》中文版(第二版) 電子



FPGA設計中 Verilog HDL實現基本的圖像濾波處理仿真




視頻信號由一系列連續的圖像組成。對視頻信號的處理已經成為數字圖像處理領域中重要的一部分。例如機器人模式識別的過程就是一個視頻信號處理的過程,電視制導導彈識別目標就是充分利用視頻信號處理技術不斷判斷目標是否和預先設定目標圖像一致。本篇將講解如何用 FPGA 技術實現基本的視頻信號處理。本篇的例子可以作為各位大俠進行視頻信號處理時的一個參考,也可以在這個基礎上根據需要進行擴展。



由于整個 FPGA 程序包括 3 部分:處于 TOP 的主體程序,控制其他各個部分程序的運行;視頻圖像數據采集程序,從 SAA7113 獲得數字圖像數據并保存到 SRAM 中;SRAM 讀寫程序實現對 SRAM 的數據讀寫。測試程序需要仿真數據的全部流程。

5.1 測試程序


`include “timescale.v”moduletst_saa7113(error,dsprst,xreset,saareset,ARDY,ED_O,ED_OEN_O,SRAM_1_EA,SRAM_2_EA,SRAM_1_O_ED,SRAM_2_O_ED); //內部寄存器 reg reset; reg clk;//50MHz 時鐘 reg llck;//SAA7113 的時鐘 reg [7:0] vpo;//來自 saa7113 的圖像數據 reg capture;//采集數據標志 reg toggle;//總線切換標志 reg [1:0] rst; //輸入 input error; input dsprst,xreset,saareset; input ARDY; input [7:0] ED_O; input ED_OEN_O; input [18:0] SRAM_1_EA; input [7:0] SRAM_1_O_ED; input [18:0] SRAM_2_EA; input [7:0] SRAM_2_O_ED; //來自 dsp 的信號 reg CE3_; reg ARE_; reg AWE_; reg [21:2] EA; reg [7:0] ED_I; //TO SRAM reg [7:0] SRAM_1_IN_ED; reg [7:0] SRAM_2_IN_ED; //wires //from saa7113 wire SRAM_CE_; wire SRAM_OE_; wire SRAM_WE_; wire [18:0] la; wire [7:0] ld; //FROM DSP wire CE_SRAM; wire WE_SRAM; wire OE_SRAM; wire [7:0] ED_SRAM; wire [18:0] EA_SRAM; //連接各個子程序 LWBSAA7113 L_SAA7113 ( .reset(reset), .clk(clk), .llck(llck), .vpo(vpo), .rst(rst), .capture(capture), .error(error), .SRAM_CE_(SRAM_CE_), .SRAM_OE_(SRAM_OE_), .SRAM_WE_(SRAM_WE_), .la(la), .ld(ld) ); LWBDECODE L_DECODE ( .reset(reset), .CE3_(CE3_), .ARE_(ARE_), .AWE_(AWE_), .EA(EA), .ED_I(ED_I), .ED_O(ED_O), .ED_OEN_O(ED_OEN_O), .ARDY(ARDY), .EA_SRAM(EA_SRAM), .ED_SRAM(ED_SRAM), .CE_SRAM(CE_SRAM), .WE_SRAM(WE_SRAM), .OE_SRAM(OE_SRAM), .dsprst(dsprst), .xreset(xreset), .saareset(saareset) ); LWBBUSCHANGE L_BUSCHANGE ( .EA_SRAM(EA_SRAM), .ED_SRAM(ED_SRAM), .CE_SRAM(CE_SRAM), .WE_SRAM(WE_SRAM), .OE_SRAM(OE_SRAM), .la(la), .ld(ld), .SRAM_CE_(SRAM_CE_), .SRAM_WE_(SRAM_WE_), .SRAM_OE_(SRAM_OE_), .SRAM_1_IN_ED(SRAM_1_IN_ED), .SRAM_2_IN_ED(SRAM_2_IN_ED), .toggle(toggle), .SRAM_1_EA(SRAM_1_EA), .SRAM_1_O_ED(SRAM_1_O_ED), .SRAM_2_EA(SRAM_2_EA), .SRAM_2_O_ED(SRAM_2_O_ED) ); //產生時鐘信號 always #10 clk=~clk; always #20 llck = ~llck; initial begin $display(“

status : %t TestBench of saa7113 started!

”,$time); //initial value clk = 0; #7; llck =0; //reset reset = 1; //dsp 初始化 ARE_ = 1; AWE_ = 1; CE3_ = 1; //初始化 capture = 0; toggle = 1; #2; reset = 0; repeat(20) @(posedge clk); reset = 1‘b1; // negate reset //dsp 讀取數據內容 SRAM_1_IN_ED = 8’h1d; SRAM_2_IN_ED = 8‘h2d; //dsp 地址總線 EA[21:16] = 6’b000000; EA[15:7] = 9‘b000000000; EA[6:2]= 5’b00001; #5; CE3_ = 0; ARE_ = 0; //saa7113 輸出內容 capture = 1; #5; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘haa; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hbb; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘hcc; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hdd; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘hee; //場同步信號 //1 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//begin @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b00100000;//sav //2 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//begin @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b00100000; //數據開始 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//begin @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b00000000; //data @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h01;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h02;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h03;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h04;//Yr--1 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h05;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h06;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h07;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h08;//Yr--2 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h09;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h0a;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h0b;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h0c;//Yr--3 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h0d;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h0e;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h0f;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h10;//Yr--4 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h11;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h12;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h13;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h14;//Yr--5 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h15;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h16;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h17;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h18;//Yr--6 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h19;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h1a;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h1b;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h1c;//Yr--7 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h1d;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h1e;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h1f;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h20;//Yr--8 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h21;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h22;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h23;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h24;//Yr--9 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h25;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h26;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h27;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h28;//Yr--10 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h29;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h3a;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h3b;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h3c;//Yr--11 //數據結束 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//ff @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00;//00 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00;//00 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b01110000;//end of field 1 #20; ARE_ = 1; capture = 0; #200; //開始切換 toggle = 0; #100; ARE_ = 0; //開始采集數據 capture = 1; //vertical blanking stage //1 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//begin @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b00100000;//sav //2 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//begin @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b00100000; //data start @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//begin @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00; @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b00000000; //data @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h01;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h02;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h03;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h04;//Yr--1 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h05;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h06;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h07;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h08;//Yr--2 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h09;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h0a;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h0b;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h0c;//Yr--3 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h0d;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h0e;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h0f;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h10;//Yr--4 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h11;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h12;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h13;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h14;//Yr--5 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h15;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h16;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h17;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h18;//Yr--6 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h19;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h1a;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h1b;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h1c;//Yr--7 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h1d;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h1e;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h1f;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h20;//Yr--8 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h21;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h22;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h23;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h24;//Yr--9 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h25;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h26;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h27;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h28;//Yr--10 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h29;//Cb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h3a;//Yb @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h3b;//Cr @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h3c;//Yr--11 //數據結束 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’hff;//ff @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘h00;//00 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8’h00;//00 @(posedge llck) vpo = 8‘b01110000;//end of field 1 #20; //結束數據采集 capture = 0; #200; //測試程序結束 $finish; endendmodule

5.2 測試結果開始的“aa bb cc dd ee ff”是無效數據,“ff 00 20”表示場同步信號。

經過 FPGA 處理后獲得有效圖像數據并產生相應的地址信號,由于只進行灰度運算,只取亮度信息,因此獲得數據為“04 08 0c”,同時產生地址信號“00 01 02”。



本篇首先介紹了視頻信號的基本原理、組成等,然后講解了進行視頻信號處理的基本過程和框架。接下來結合實例講解用 FPGA 及其他芯片組成視頻處理的電路設計和 FPGA 的程序實現。最后用 Modelsim 仿真和測試了程序。本篇為各位大俠提供了一種視頻信號處理的設計方案,僅供參考。


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原文標題:原創系統設計精選 | 基于FPGA的數字視頻信號處理器設計(附代碼)


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