我們繼續實現 15.1 節中定義的 skip-gram 模型。然后我們將在 PTB 數據集上使用負采樣來預訓練 word2vec。首先,讓我們通過調用函數來獲取數據迭代器和這個數據集的詞匯表 ,這在第 15.3 節d2l.load_data_ptb中有描述
import math import torch from torch import nn from d2l import torch as d2l batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words = 512, 5, 5 data_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_ptb(batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words)
Downloading ../data/ptb.zip from http://d2l-data.s3-accelerate.amazonaws.com/ptb.zip...
import math from mxnet import autograd, gluon, np, npx from mxnet.gluon import nn from d2l import mxnet as d2l npx.set_np() batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words = 512, 5, 5 data_iter, vocab = d2l.load_data_ptb(batch_size, max_window_size, num_noise_words)
15.4.1。Skip-Gram 模型
我們通過使用嵌入層和批量矩陣乘法來實現 skip-gram 模型。首先,讓我們回顧一下嵌入層是如何工作的。。嵌入層
如第 10.7 節所述,嵌入層將標記的索引映射到其特征向量。該層的權重是一個矩陣,其行數等于字典大小 ( input_dim),列數等于每個標記的向量維數 ( output_dim)。一個詞嵌入模型訓練好之后,這個權重就是我們所需要的。
embed = nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=20, embedding_dim=4) print(f'Parameter embedding_weight ({embed.weight.shape}, ' f'dtype={embed.weight.dtype})')
Parameter embedding_weight (torch.Size([20, 4]), dtype=torch.float32)
embed = nn.Embedding(input_dim=20, output_dim=4) embed.initialize() embed.weight
Parameter embedding0_weight (shape=(20, 4), dtype=float32)
嵌入層的輸入是標記(單詞)的索引。對于任何令牌索引i,它的向量表示可以從ith嵌入層中權重矩陣的行。由于向量維度 ( output_dim) 設置為 4,因此嵌入層返回形狀為 (2, 3, 4) 的向量,用于形狀為 (2, 3) 的標記索引的小批量。
x = torch.tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) embed(x)
tensor([[[-0.6501, 1.3547, 0.7968, 0.3916], [ 0.4739, -0.0944, 1.2308, 0.6457], [ 0.4539, 1.5194, 0.4377, -1.5122]], [[-0.7032, -0.1213, 0.2657, -0.6797], [ 0.2930, -0.6564, 0.8960, -0.5637], [-0.1815, 0.9487, 0.8482, 0.5486]]], grad_fn=)
x = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) embed(x)
array([[[ 0.01438687, 0.05011239, 0.00628365, 0.04861524], [-0.01068833, 0.01729892, 0.02042518, -0.01618656], [-0.00873779, -0.02834515, 0.05484822, -0.06206018]], [[ 0.06491279, -0.03182812, -0.01631819, -0.00312688], [ 0.0408415 , 0.04370362, 0.00404529, -0.0028032 ], [ 0.00952624, -0.01501013, 0.05958354, 0.04705103]]])。定義前向傳播
在正向傳播中,skip-gram 模型的輸入包括形狀為(批大小,1)的中心詞索引和 形狀為(批大小,)center的連接上下文和噪聲詞索引,其中定義在 第 15.3.5 節. 這兩個變量首先通過嵌入層從標記索引轉換為向量,然后它們的批量矩陣乘法(在第 節中描述)返回形狀為(批量大小,1, )的輸出 。輸出中的每個元素都是中心詞向量與上下文或噪聲詞向量的點積。contexts_and_negativesmax_lenmax_lenmax_len
def skip_gram(center, contexts_and_negatives, embed_v, embed_u): v = embed_v(center) u = embed_u(contexts_and_negatives) pred = torch.bmm(v, u.permute(0, 2, 1)) return pred
def skip_gram(center, contexts_and_negatives, embed_v, embed_u): v = embed_v(center) u = embed_u(contexts_and_negatives) pred = npx.batch_dot(v, u.swapaxes(1, 2)) return pred
skip_gram(torch.ones((2, 1), dtype=torch.long), torch.ones((2, 4), dtype=torch.long), embed, embed).shape
torch.Size([2, 1, 4])
skip_gram(np.ones((2, 1)), np.ones((2, 4)), embed, embed).shape
(2, 1, 4)
class SigmoidBCELoss(nn.Module): # Binary cross-entropy loss with masking def __init__(self): super().__init__() def forward(self, inputs, target, mask=None): out = nn.functional.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( inputs, target, weight=mask, reduction="none") return out.mean(dim=1) loss = SigmoidBCELoss()
loss = gluon.loss.SigmoidBCELoss()
回想我們在第 15.3.5 節中對掩碼變量和標簽變量的描述 。下面計算給定變量的二元交叉熵損失。
pred = torch.tensor([[1.1, -2.2, 3.3, -4.4]] * 2) label = torch.tensor([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask = torch.tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]]) loss(pred, label, mask) * mask.shape[1] / mask.sum(axis=1)
tensor([0.9352, 1.8462])
pred = np.array([[1.1, -2.2, 3.3, -4.4]] * 2) label = np.array([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) mask = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 0, 0]]) loss(pred, label, mask) * mask.shape[1] / mask.sum(axis=1)
array([0.93521017, 1.8462094 ])
下面顯示了如何使用二元交叉熵損失中的 sigmoid 激活函數計算上述結果(以效率較低的方式)。我們可以將這兩個輸出視為兩個歸一化損失,對非掩碼預測進行平均。
def sigmd(x): return -math.log(1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))) print(f'{(sigmd(1.1) + sigmd(2.2) + sigmd(-3.3) + sigmd(4.4)) / 4:.4f}') print(f'{(sigmd(-1.1) + sigmd(-2.2)) / 2:.4f}')
0.9352 1.8462
def sigmd(x): return -math.log(1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))) print(f'{(sigmd(1.1) + sigmd(2.2) + sigmd(-3.3) + sigmd(4.4)) / 4:.4f}') print(f'{(sigmd(-1.1) + sigmd(-2.2)) / 2:.4f}')
0.9352 1.8462。初始化模型參數
embed_size = 100 net = nn.Sequential(nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len(vocab), embedding_dim=embed_size), nn.Embedding(num_embeddings=len(vocab), embedding_dim=embed_size))
embed_size = 100 net = nn.Sequential() net.add(nn.Embedding(input_dim=len(vocab), output_dim=embed_size), nn.Embedding(input_dim=len(vocab), output_dim=embed_size))。定義訓練循環
def train(net, data_iter, lr, num_epochs, device=d2l.try_gpu()): def init_weights(module): if type(module) == nn.Embedding: nn.init.xavier_uniform_(module.weight) net.apply(init_weights) net = net.to(device) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=lr) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss', xlim=[1, num_epochs]) # Sum of normalized losses, no. of normalized losses metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for epoch in range(num_epochs): timer, num_batches = d2l.Timer(), len(data_iter) for i, batch in enumerate(data_iter): optimizer.zero_grad() center, context_negative, mask, label = [ data.to(device) for data in batch] pred = skip_gram(center, context_negative, net[0], net[1]) l = (loss(pred.reshape(label.shape).float(), label.float(), mask) / mask.sum(axis=1) * mask.shape[1]) l.sum().backward() optimizer.step() metric.add(l.sum(), l.numel()) if (i + 1) % (num_batches // 5) == 0 or i == num_batches - 1: animator.add(epoch + (i + 1) / num_batches, (metric[0] / metric[1],)) print(f'loss {metric[0] / metric[1]:.3f}, ' f'{metric[1] / timer.stop():.1f} tokens/sec on {str(device)}')
def train(net, data_iter, lr, num_epochs, device=d2l.try_gpu()): net.initialize(ctx=device, force_reinit=True) trainer = gluon.Trainer(net.collect_params(), 'adam', {'learning_rate': lr}) animator = d2l.Animator(xlabel='epoch', ylabel='loss', xlim=[1, num_epochs]) # Sum of normalized losses, no. of normalized losses metric = d2l.Accumulator(2) for epoch in range(num_epochs): timer, num_batches = d2l.Timer(), len(data_iter) for i, batch in enumerate(data_iter): center, context_negative, mask, label = [ data.as_in_ctx(device) for data in batch] with autograd.record(): pred = skip_gram(center, context_negative, net[0], net[1]) l = (loss(pred.reshape(label.shape), label, mask) * mask.shape[1] / mask.sum(axis=1)) l.backward() trainer.step(batch_size) metric.add(l.sum(), l.size) if (i + 1) % (num_batches // 5) == 0 or i == num_batches - 1: animator.add(epoch + (i + 1) / num_batches, (metric[0] / metric[1],)) print(f'loss {metric[0] / metric[1]:.3f}, ' f'{metric[1] / timer.stop():.1f} tokens/sec on {str(device)}')
現在我們可以使用負采樣來訓練 skip-gram 模型。
lr, num_epochs = 0.002, 5 train(net, data_iter, lr, num_epochs)
loss 0.410, 170397.2 tokens/sec on cuda:0
lr, num_epochs = 0.002, 5 train(net, data_iter, lr, num_epochs)
loss 0.408, 86715.1 tokens/sec on gpu(0)
在訓練完 word2vec 模型后,我們可以使用來自訓練模型的詞向量的余弦相似度來從詞典中找到與輸入詞在語義上最相似的詞。
def get_similar_tokens(query_token, k, embed): W = embed.weight.data x = W[vocab[query_token]] # Compute the cosine similarity. Add 1e-9 for numerical stability cos = torch.mv(W, x) / torch.sqrt(torch.sum(W * W, dim=1) * torch.sum(x * x) + 1e-9) topk = torch.topk(cos, k=k+1)[1].cpu().numpy().astype('int32') for i in topk[1:]: # Remove the input words print(f'cosine sim={float(cos[i]):.3f}: {vocab.to_tokens(i)}') get_similar_tokens('chip', 3, net[0])
cosine sim=0.665: microprocessor cosine sim=0.665: chips cosine sim=0.646: intel
def get_similar_tokens(query_token, k, embed): W = embed.weight.data() x = W[vocab[query_token]] # Compute the cosine similarity. Add 1e-9 for numerical stability cos = np.dot(W, x) / np.sqrt(np.sum(W * W, axis=1) * np.sum(x * x) + 1e-9) topk = npx.topk(cos, k=k+1, ret_typ='indices').asnumpy().astype('int32') for i in topk[1:]: # Remove the input words print(f'cosine sim={float(cos[i]):.3f}: {vocab.to_tokens(i)}') get_similar_tokens('chip', 3, net[0])
cosine sim=0.689: intel cosine sim=0.682: desktop cosine sim=0.616: digital
我們可以使用嵌入層和二元交叉熵損失來訓練具有負采樣的 skip-gram 模型。
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