Sound Activated Relay circuits
- circuit(37425)
2023-06-20 14:56:04244
2023-06-10 11:21:40300
Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits
of this paper is to demonstrate a systematic approach to design high performancegate drive circuits for high
2009-03-27 16:04:24
有實力更有顏值!HUAWEI Sound Joy斬獲Gmark設計大獎
近日, 2022 年日本 Gmark 優良設計大獎( Good Design Award )揭曉, HUAWEI Sound Joy 便攜音箱榮登上榜! 該設計大獎于 1957 年創立,是亞洲地區
2022-11-21 19:55:02880
The_State_of_Sound_2022_cn 高通藍牙音頻產品使用現狀調研報告2022
2022-10-27 17:01:420
2022-08-02 10:16:23821
Arduino Uno Relay Shield 3通道開源
電子發燒友網站提供《Arduino Uno Relay Shield 3通道開源.zip》資料免費下載
2022-07-22 09:46:070
華為Sound SE怎么樣 華為Sound SE與Sound X價格差在哪里
作為智能家居的核心成員,智能音箱的價格高至幾千元,低至幾百元。擁有價格優勢的智能音箱大多都會在音質上會有些折扣。華為的AI音箱與華為 Sound系列就是例子,或許也是產品的側重點不同。今天我們拆解
2022-01-13 09:55:5514420
Lekha Wireless, Venus LTE L3 relay application; Featuring AD9361
Lekha Wireless, Venus LTE L3 relay application; Featuring AD9361
2021-01-30 12:05:171
基于RELAY2CLICKRelay Power Driver的參考設計
2021-01-14 22:25:033
全新的華為Sound是繼Sound X后的第二款Sound系列產品,雖然體積變小了,但是華為Sound的聲壓級可達到90dB,頻響范圍55Hz~40KHz等,與Sound X的差距并沒有拉開太多。
2020-11-04 12:08:272929
Xilinx Relay for Life活動
Xilinx Relay for Life活動以紫色開始。
2019-01-18 07:39:001046
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture16
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture16
2017-10-18 11:08:584
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture17
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture17
2017-10-18 11:06:288
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture18
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture18
2017-10-18 11:04:404
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture19
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture19
2017-10-18 11:02:544
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture20
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture20
2017-10-18 11:00:547
Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
2017-10-18 10:55:3112
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture
2017-10-18 10:53:124
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture26
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture26
2017-10-18 10:50:225
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture27.28
EE241 Advanced Digital Integrated Circuits Lecture27.28
2017-10-18 10:47:209
Relay Media被谷歌收購,移動網絡頁面速度又將步上新臺階
作為此次交易的一部分,谷歌可能會暫時關閉Relay Media,谷歌將把 Relay Media 的 AMP 技術遷移到谷歌的自主平臺。在遷移過程中,其對當前客戶的服務將不受干擾,但會暫停接受新用戶。但隨著Relay Media的技術逐步整合到谷歌平臺之中,谷歌也將繼續經營Relay Media的服務。
2017-10-10 16:25:23634
Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits
Design And Application Guide For High Speed MOSFET Gate Drive Circuits
2016-12-17 20:59:4362
Front End Turns PC Sound Card in
聲卡高速虛擬數字示波器 Front End Turns PC Sound Card into High-Speed Sampling Oscilloscope
2016-05-10 10:36:234
solution of fundamentals of electric circuits 電路基礎第二,三版的英文答案 原書為Alexander Sadiku所著的fundamentals of electric circuits ,經典電路教材。
2016-03-11 13:54:4053
Cadence宣布收購Cosmic Circuits公司,意圖擴展IP業務
Cadence宣布協議收購Cosmic Circuits。Cosmic Circuits 生產線將擴展Cadence的IP業務,加強其在移動設備、云計算/數據中心和“物聯網”解決方案方面的市場機會。
2013-02-19 10:14:44911
Cosmic Circuits為ARM提供PLLs
Cosmic Circuits,日前宣布為ARM提供用于在多個技術節點評估標準單元庫的PLL解決方案。S2C公司是Cosmic在中國的正式代理商。 Cosmic Circuits的IP 主管Sundararajan Krishnan說我們對ARM在多個技術節點
2011-11-10 09:26:42650
Frame Relay Test Software Agil
The Agilent Technologies E4216A Frame Relay Test Software decodes and displays frames, as well
2010-07-09 15:58:476
RLC Circuits
RLC CircuitsOverviewChapter 1 of the NI Multisim Fundamental Circuits series investigates a number
2010-03-29 09:13:1950
雙繼電器驅動板電路,Dual Relay Driver Bo
雙繼電器驅動板電路,Dual Relay Driver Board
Description Dual Channel Relay Board is a simple
2010-03-28 22:17:232156
固態繼電器開關電路,Solid state relay sw
固態繼電器開關電路,Solid state relay switch
2010-03-28 22:15:372085
Analog Integrated Circuits--Po
Analog Integrated Circuits Power Management, Signal Conditioning and ASSP Devices
LM285, LM385
2010-03-19 09:00:3723
什么是Sound Font/DLS?
什么是Sound Font/DLS?
Sound Font:是新加坡創新公司在中檔聲卡上使用的音色庫技術。它是用字符合成的,一個Sound Fond表現
2010-02-05 10:58:58759
黑暗激活LED或燈閃光電路--Dark-activated LED or Lamp Flasher
Simple photo-sensitive circuit3V battery supply
2010-01-17 09:24:531409
音量指示器--Sound Level Indicator
音量指示器--Sound Level Indicator
This project uses an LM3915 bar-graph IC driving two sets of ten
2010-01-13 21:30:042664
聲級計電路 Sound Level Meter
聲級計電路 Sound Level Meter
This nifty sound level meter is a perfect one chip replacement for the standard analog meters. It is completely soli
2009-12-25 11:10:432280
Lessons In Electric Circuits,
Lessons In Electric Circuits, Volume III Semiconductors:This book is published under the terms
2009-12-04 17:50:3513
Snubber Circuits
Snubber CircuitsProtection of switching devices and circuits: Switching devices and circuit componentsmay fail due to the following reasons.
2009-11-28 13:44:3033
2009-11-27 10:28:311422
Slew Rate of Op Amp Circuits
Slew Rate of Op Amp Circuits:The slew rate (SR) is defined as the maximum rate of change
2009-09-26 10:45:5112
Circuits and Systems for Wirel
on Wireless-Communication Circuits and Systems, held in Lucerne, Switzerland, fromJune 22–24, 1998. The aim of the workshop was to apply the vast ex
2009-07-21 10:25:5925
什么是frame relay,frame relay概念
什么是frame relay,frame relay概念
2009-06-11 09:21:432794
Analog Switch Lowers Relay Pow
the power dissipated in relay actuation. Relays are often used as electrically controlled switches. Unlike transistors, th
2009-04-20 11:24:091477
Pulse Width Modulator circuits
Pulse Width Modulator circuits:Couple Notes:The ic used is a CMOS type MC14093a quad 2-input NAND
2008-03-14 08:31:421541
控制單元電路-Class a amp -Relay Cont
Fig1:Class a amp Fig2:Relay ControlFig3:Lamp FlasherFig4:Proximity switch
2008-03-14 08:25:051036
Long Range Timer Relay circuit
FIG.11:Show a long-range timer relay switching circuit which spans 1minute to 20 hours in three
2008-03-12 23:17:32943
Touch-activated Alarm circuits
Touch-activated Alarm,Attach trigger wire to the latch nut/bolt Isolate this Latch from any other metal parts
2008-03-12 22:41:49660
[圖文]Water Activated Alarm
plated contacts from an old relay may be used, however a cheap alternative is to wire alternate
2006-04-16 17:59:07626