architecture behavioral of laohu is
signal count0:integer range 0 to 31;--change
signal clk2:std_logic;
begin p1:process(clk) --對12mhz系統時鐘進行3m的分頻,得到4hz的信號clk2
variable count:integer range 0 to 3000000;
begin if clk‘event and clk=’1‘ then
if count=1500000 then
elsif count=3000000 then
end if;
end if;
end process p1;
begin if clk2’event and clk2=‘1’ then
if count0=29 then
else count0<=count0+1;
end if;
end if;
end process p2;
case count0 is--此case語句:存儲自動演奏部分的樂曲
when 0 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when 1 => tone_key_0<=b“00000010_00000000”; --2
when 2 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 3 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when 4 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when 5 => tone_key_0<=b“00000010_00000000”; --2
when 6 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 7 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when 8 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 9 => tone_key_0<=b“00001000_00000000”; --4
when 10 => tone_key_0<=b“00010000_00000000”; --5
when 11 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 12 => tone_key_0<=b“00001000_00000000”; --4
when 13 => tone_key_0<=b“00010000_00000000”; --5
when 14 => tone_key_0<=b“00010000_00000000”; --5
when 15 => tone_key_0<=b“00100000_00000000”; --6
when 16 => tone_key_0<=b“00010000_00000000”; --5
when 17 => tone_key_0<=b“00001000_00000000”; --4
when 18 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 19 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when 20 => tone_key_0<=b“00010000_00000000”; --5
when 21 => tone_key_0<=b“00100000_00000000”; --6
when 22 => tone_key_0<=b“00010000_00000000”; --5
when 23 => tone_key_0<=b“00001000_00000000”; --4
when 24 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 25 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when 26 => tone_key_0<=b“00000100_00000000”; --3
when 27 => tone_key_0<=b“00000000_00100000”; --di6
when 28 => tone_key_0<=b“00000001_00000000”; --1
when others => null;
end case;
end process p3;
end behavioral;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity beep0 is
port( clk:in std_logic; device:out std_logic );
end beep0;
architecture behavioral of beep0 is
component laohu is port( clk: in std_logic;--系統時鐘;鍵盤輸入/自動演奏
tone_key_0: out std_logic_vector(15 downto 0)--音符信號輸出 );
end component;
component tone is
port( index: in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);--音符輸入信號
tone0: out integer range 0 to 2047--音符的分頻系數 );
end component;
component speaker is
clk1: in std_logic;--系統時鐘12mhz
tone1: in integer range 0 to 2047; --音符分頻系數
spks: out std_logic--驅動揚聲器的音頻信號 );
end component;
signal mid:std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);
signal tones:integer;
u0:laohu port map(clk,mid);
u1:tone port map(mid,tones);
u2:speaker port map(clk,tones,device);
end behavioral;