SoC無線MCU CC3220x器件有三種型號:CC3220R,CC3220S和C3220SF。
- CC3220Rfeatures 256KB RAM ,物聯網網絡安全和設備身份/密鑰。
- CC3220S建立在CC3220R和MCU級別安全性的基礎上,如文件系統加密,用戶IP(MCU映像)加密,安全啟動和調試安全性。
- CC3220SF建立在CC3220S之上,并集成了用戶專用的1MB可執行閃存,以及256KB的RAM。
啟動物聯網(IoT) )使用Wi-Fi CERTIFIED?無線微控制器進行設計。 SimpleLink?Wi-Fi ? CC3220x器件系列是片上系統(SoC)解決方案,在單芯片中集成了兩個處理器:
- 應用處理器是Arm ? Cortex ? -M4 MCU,具有用戶專用的256KB RAM和可選的1MB串行閃存。
- 網絡處理器MCU運行所有Wi-Fi ?和互聯網邏輯層。這個基于ROM的子系統包括802.11b /g /n無線電,基帶和具有強大加密引擎的MAC。
- 優化低功耗管理
- 增強型網絡安全性
- 設備標識和非對稱密鑰
- 增強的文件系統安全性(僅受CC3220S和CC3220SF變體支持)
- IPv6TCP /IP協議棧
- 支持四個站的AP模式
- 最多16個并發BSD插槽,其中6個是安全的
- HTTPSsupport
- RESTful API支持
CC3220x器件系列是SimpleLink?MCU平臺的一部分,基于單核心軟件開發工具包(SDK),豐富工具集,參考設計和支持Wi-Fi ?,藍牙?的E2E?社區的通用,易用的開發環境低能量,低于1 GHz和主機MCU。有關更多信息,請訪問SimpleLink?MCU平臺。
- 雙核架構:
- 用戶專用應用MCU子系統
- 高度集成的Wi- Fi網絡處理器
- 豐富的物聯網安全功能:
- 增強的物聯網網絡安全性
- 非對稱密鑰和唯一設備標識
- 軟件IP保護和安全存儲(CC3220S /CC3220SF)
- 電池供電應用的高級低功耗模式
- 內置電源管理子系統
- 工業溫度:-40°C至85°C
- 芯片級Wi-Fi聯盟? Wi-Fi CERTIFIED?
Extended Features List:
- Applications Microcontroller Subsystem:
- Arm? Cortex?-M4 Core at 80 MHz
- Embedded Memory:
- 256KB of RAM
- Optional 1MB of ExecutableFlash
- External Serial Flash
- Peripherals:
- McASP Supports Two I2S Channels
- 8-Bit Synchronous ImagerInterface
- 4-Channel 12-Bit ADCs
- 4 General-Purpose Timers(GPT) With 16-Bit PWM Mode
- Watchdog Timer
- Up to 27 GPIOPins
- Debug Interfaces: JTAG, cJTAG, SWD
- Wi-Fi Network Processor (NWP) Subsystem:
- Wi-Fi Modes:
- 802.11b/g/n Station
- 802.11b/g Access Point (AP)Supports up to Four Stations
- Wi-Fi Direct? Client and Group Owner
- WPA2 Personal and Enterprise Security: WEP, WPA?/WPA2? PSK, WPA2 Enterprise (802.1x)
- IPv4 and IPv6 TCP/IP Stack
- Industry-Standard BSD Socket Application Programming Interfaces (APIs):
- 16 Simultaneous TCP or UDP Sockets
- 6 SimultaneousTLS and SSL Sockets
- IP Addressing: Static IP, LLA, DHCPv4, DHCPv6 With Duplicate Address Detection (DAD)
- SimpleLink Connection Manager for Autonomous and Fast Wi-Fi Connections
- Flexible Wi-Fi Provisioning With SmartConfig? Technology, AP Mode, and WPS2 Options
- RESTful API Support Using the Internal HTTP Server
- Wide Set of Security Features:
- Hardware Features:
- Separate Execution Environments
- Device Identity
- Hardware Crypto Engine for Advanced Fast Security, Including: AES, DES, 3DES, SHA2, MD5, CRC, and Checksum
- Initial Secure Programming:
- Debug Security
- JTAG and Debug Ports are Locked
- Personal and Enterprise Wi-Fi Security
- Secure Sockets (SSLv3, TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2)
- Networking Security:
- Personal and Enterprise Wi-Fi Security
- Secure Sockets (SSLv3, TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2)
- HTTPS Server
- Trusted Root-Certificate Catalog
- TI Root-of-Trust Public Key
- Software IP Protection:
- Secure Key Storage
- File System Security
- Software Tamper Detection
- Cloning Protection
- Secure Boot: Validate the Integrity and Authenticity of the Runtime Binary During Boot
- Embedded Network Applications Running on the Dedicated Network Processor:
- HTTP/HTTPS Web Server With Dynamic User Callbacks
- mDNS, DNS-SD, DHCP Server
- Ping
- Recovery Mechanism—Can Recover to Factory Defaults or to a Complete Factory Image
- Wi-Fi TX Power:
- 18.0 dBm at 1 DSSS
- 14.5 dBm at 54 OFDM
- Wi-Fi RX Sensitivity:
- –96 dBm at 1 DSSS
- –74.5 dBm at 54 OFDM
- Application Throughput:
- UDP: 16 Mbps
- TCP: 13 Mbps
- Peak:72 Mbps
- Power-Management Subsystem:
- Integrated DC/DC Converters Support a Wide Range of Supply Voltage:
- VBAT Wide-Voltage Mode: 2.1 V to 3.6 V
- VIO is AlwaysTied With VBAT
- Preregulated 1.85-V Mode
- Advanced Low-Power Modes:
- Shutdown: 1 μA
- Hibernate: 4.5μA
- Low-Power Deep Sleep (LPDS): 135 μA (Measured on CC3220R, CC3220S, andCC3220SF With 256KB RAM Retention)
- RX Traffic (MCU Active): 59 mA (Measured onCC3220R and CC3220S; CC3220SF Consumes an Additional 10 mA) at 54?OFDM
- TXTraffic (MCU Active): 223 mA (Measured on CC3220R and CC3220S; CC3220SF Consumes an Additional 15mA) at 54?OFDM, Maximum Power
- Idle Connected (MCU in LPDS): 710 μA (Measured onCC3220R and CC3220S With 256KB RAM Retention) at DTIM = 1
- Clock Source:
- 40.0-MHz Crystal With Internal Oscillator
- 32.768-kHz Crystal or External RTC
- RGK Package
- 64-Pin, 9-mm × 9-mm Very Thin Quad Flat Nonleaded (VQFN) Package, 0.5-mm Pitch
- Operating Temperature
- Ambient Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C
- Device Supports SimpleLink? MCU Platform Developer?s Ecosystem
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參數 與其它產品相比?Wi-Fi
? Processor Technology Flash (KB) RAM (KB) Throughput (Max) (Mbps) Wi-Fi RX sensitivity (dBm) Wi-Fi TX current (mA) Security Enabler Operating temperature range (C) Package (mm) ? CC3220R CC3200 CC3220MOD CC3220S CC3220SF ARM Cortex-M4 ? ? ARM Cortex-M4 ? ? ARM Cortex-M4 ? ? ARM Cortex-M4 ? ? ARM Cortex-M4 ? ? Wi-Fi ? ? Wi-Fi ? ? Wi-Fi ? ? Wi-Fi ? ? Wi-Fi ? ? ? ? 1000 ? ? ? 1000 ? ? 256 ? ? 256 ? ? 256 ? ? 256 ? ? 256 ? ? 16 ? ? 16 ? ? 16 ? ? 16 ? ? 16 ? ? -96 ? ? -96 ? ? -95 ? ? -96 ? ? -96 ? ? 223 ? ? 229 ? ? 229 ? ? 223 ? ? 223 ? ? Cryptographic acceleration
Device identity
External memory protection
Networking security
Physical security
Secure FW and SW update
Secure storage ? ? Cryptographic acceleration
Networking security
Secure FW and SW update ? ? Cryptographic acceleration
Device identity
External memory protection
Networking security
Physical security
Secure FW and SW update
Secure storage ? ? Cryptographic acceleration
Device identity
External memory protection
Networking security
Physical security
Secure FW and SW update
Secure storage ? ? Cryptographic acceleration
Device identity
External memory protection
Networking security
Physical security
Secure FW and SW update
Secure storage ? ? -40 to 85 ? ? -40 to 85 ? ? -40 to 85 ? ? -40 to 85 ? ? -40 to 85 ? ? ? 9 9 QFN, 0.5 Pitch, 64-pin ? ? 20.5 17.5 LGA, 1.27 Pitch, 63 pin, Module ? ? 9 9 QFN, 0.5 Pitch, 64-pin ? ? 9 9 QFN, 0.5 Pitch, 64-pin ? ?