The ADE7760 is a high accuracy, fault tolerant, electrical energy
measurement IC intended for use with 2-wire distribution
systems. The part specifications surpass the accuracy require-
ments as quoted in the IEC61036 standard.?
The only analog circuitry used on the ADE7760 is in the ADCs
and reference circuit. All other signal processing (such as multi-
plication and filtering) is carried out in the digital domain. This
approach provides superior stability and accuracy over extreme
in environmental conditions and over time.?
The ADE7760 incorporates a fault detection scheme similar to
the ADE7751 by continuously monitoring both the phase and
neutral currents. A fault is indicated when these currents differ
by more than 6.25%.?
The ADE7760 supplies average active power information on the
low frequency outputs F1 and F2. The CF logic output gives
instantaneous active power information.?
The ADE7760 includes a power supply monitoring circuit on
the VDD supply pin. Internal phase-matching circuitry ensures
that the voltage and current channels are matched. An internal
no-load threshold ensures that the ADE7760 does not exhibit
any creep when there is no load.
measurement IC intended for use with 2-wire distribution
systems. The part specifications surpass the accuracy require-
ments as quoted in the IEC61036 standard.?
The only analog circuitry used on the ADE7760 is in the ADCs
and reference circuit. All other signal processing (such as multi-
plication and filtering) is carried out in the digital domain. This
approach provides superior stability and accuracy over extreme
in environmental conditions and over time.?
The ADE7760 incorporates a fault detection scheme similar to
the ADE7751 by continuously monitoring both the phase and
neutral currents. A fault is indicated when these currents differ
by more than 6.25%.?
The ADE7760 supplies average active power information on the
low frequency outputs F1 and F2. The CF logic output gives
instantaneous active power information.?
The ADE7760 includes a power supply monitoring circuit on
the VDD supply pin. Internal phase-matching circuitry ensures
that the voltage and current channels are matched. An internal
no-load threshold ensures that the ADE7760 does not exhibit
any creep when there is no load.
更多 >
- AN-1127: ADE7880與ADE7878的區別
- 基于AN7760模擬到數字轉換的參考設計
- EVAD7760 AD7760 評估板
- ADE7760:帶片上故障檢測數據表的電能計量IC
- AD7760參考代碼
- ExampleCode_ADC_AD7760 12次下載
- ADE7854_ADE7858_ADE7868_ADE7878 pdf
- ADE7116/ADE7156/ADE7166/ADE716
- AD7760,pdf datasheet (ADC with
- ADE7752.pdf
- ADE7758.pdf
- ADE7753.pdf
- ADE7759.pdf
- ADE7763.pdf
- ADE7756.pdf
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