1、Capacitors and resistors have parasitic inductance, about 0.4nH for surface mount and 4nH for a leaded component.
2、Capacitors and resistors have parasitic inductance, about 0.4nH for surface mount and 4nH for a leaded component.
3、When taking DC measurements in a circuit and they don"t make sense, suspect that something is oscillating.
4、Opamps will often oscillate when driving capacitive loads.
5、The baseemitter voltage Vbe of a small signal transistor is about 0.65v and drops about 2mV/deg C. Vbe goes down with increasing temp.
6、Multiply 0.13nV by the square root of the ohmic value of a resistor to find the noise in a 1Hz bandwidth. Then multiply by the square root of the BW in Hz gives the total noise voltage.
7、Johnson noise current goes down with a increase in resistance.
8、The impedance looking into the emitter of a transistor at room temp is 26Ohm/Ie in mA
9、All amplifiers are differential in that they are referenced to ground somewhere.
10、Typical metal film resistor has a temp coef of about 100 ppm/deg C
(典型的金屬薄膜電阻具備100 ppm/deg C的溫度系數)
11、The input noise voltage of a quiet op amp is 1nv/sqrt(Hz) but there are plenty available with 20nV/sqrt(Hz). Op amps with bipolar front-ends have lower voltage noise and higher current noise than those with FET front-ends
(低噪音運放的輸入噪聲電壓可以達到1nv/sqrt(Hz) ,但是我們大量用到的運放具有20nV/sqrt(Hz)的輸入噪音。雙極晶體管結構比FET結構的運算放大器具備更地的電壓噪聲和更高的電流噪聲)
12、Using an LC circuit as a power supply filter can actually multiply the power supply noise at the filter"s resonant frequency. Use inductor with low Q to overcome this.
13、Use comparators for comparing and op amps for amplifying and don"t even think of mixing the two.
14、Ceramic caps with any other dielectric other than NPO should only be used for bypass applications.
( 除高頻瓷片電容外的瓷片電容僅可用作旁路電容)
15、An N-channel enhancement-mode FET needs +ve voltage on the gate-source to conduct form drain-source.
n溝道增強型mosfet需要在gate-source 間接入正電壓來控制drain-source間的電流Ids
16、Small signal JFETS work very well as low-leakage diodes by connecting drain & source together in log current-to-voltage converters and low leakage input protection. Small signal bipolars with b-c tied together will also make nice low-leakage diodes.
17、With low pass filter use Bessel for least amount of overshoot in the time domain, and Cauer (or elliptic) for fastest rolloff in the freq domain.
18、dB is always 10 times the log of the ratio of 2 powers.
19、At low frequencies, the current in the collector of a transistor is in phase with the applied current at the base. At high frequencies the current at the collector lags by 90deg. You must appreciate this simple fact to understand high frequency oscillators.
20、The most common glass-epoxy PCB material (FR4) has a dielectric constant of about 4.3 To make a trace with a characteristic impedance of 100 Ohm, use a trace thickness of about 0.4 times the thickness of the board with a ground plane on the opposite side. For a 50Ohm trace make it 2 times the thickness.
21、If you need a programmable dynamic current source, find out about operational transconductance amps. Most of the problem is figuring out when you need a programmable dynamic current source.
22、A CMOS output with an emitter follower can drive a 5V relay nicely as the relays normally have a must-make spec of 3.5V. This saves power and require no flyback components.
23、Typical thermocouple potential is 30uV/degC. Route signals differentially, along the same path, avoid temp gradients. DPDT latching relays won"t heat up when multiplexing these signals.
典型的熱電偶電位是 30uV/degC,布線是差分信號要盡量走同樣的路徑避免差分線上產生溫度梯度。當需要切換這些信號時,雙刀雙擲常閉繼電器可以避免切換過程中產生的熱量,影響熱電偶溫度測量的精度。
24、You SHOULD be bothered by a design that looks messy, cluttered or indirect. This uncomfortable feeling is one of the few indications that there"s a better way.
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