This document describes the usage of the Three-Phase Brushless DC motor (BLDC) or Permanent?Magnet Synchronous motors (PMSM) with the sensored sinusoidal driver DRV10970. BLDC or PMSM
motors have a variety of advantages such as superior torque-to-weight ratio, higher efficiency, lower cost,?electronic based commutation, and so forth. Some BLDC motors have Hall elements to provide feedback?about the position of the rotor. The DRV10970 uses this feedback from Hall signals for a 180° sine-wave?commutation algorithm. The advantage of using sinusoidal commutation is that the driver can achieve?higher efficiency, low torque ripple, and superior acoustic performance. Hall sensors can be placed in?many different ways to provide feedback for the rotor position. The DRV10970 supports sinusoidal?operation with single and three Hall signal output.

motors have a variety of advantages such as superior torque-to-weight ratio, higher efficiency, lower cost,?electronic based commutation, and so forth. Some BLDC motors have Hall elements to provide feedback?about the position of the rotor. The DRV10970 uses this feedback from Hall signals for a 180° sine-wave?commutation algorithm. The advantage of using sinusoidal commutation is that the driver can achieve?higher efficiency, low torque ripple, and superior acoustic performance. Hall sensors can be placed in?many different ways to provide feedback for the rotor position. The DRV10970 supports sinusoidal?operation with single and three Hall signal output.

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